Waking up this morning was one of the best feelings I’ve had in a while with the 2 new gyms under way it seems like everything in life is falling into place. This is a great feeling to have because it takes away all the stress in my life and everyone knows that with stress comes over indulgences to try and make you feel good. Everyone falls into this trap even me and when we get stressed out we eat and eat bad and eat a lot. Sitting down at the computer with my coffee in hand ready to blast this blog post everything just feels at ease, try your hardest today to keep everything in balance and try and get rid of any and all stresses. Remember you control your life don’t let others do it for because they will just bring you down.
Key Number 1, you guessed it, get rid of all the stress in your life or at least try to manage it better. With stress your body releases a hormone called Cortisol this results in a slower Metabolism, Cravings, Blood Sugar Levels, and Fat Storage. Higher levels of stress tends to make you store fat in your abdominal region and too much stress can also lead to metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that, when occurring together, increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It affects one in five people in the United States and prevalence increases with age. Some studies have shown the prevalence in the USA to be an estimated 25% of the population.
Here is a great source for learning ways to manage your stress How to Deal with Stress
You are in control most of the time of the people and things you bring into your life, if they bring along unwanted stress with them then it’s as simple as just getting rid of them.
Key Number 2 is to wake up early and be active. The number one way to burn off fat is to wake up in the morning and do something on an empty stomach whether its running, swimming, biking, or one of our boot camps. This early morning fasted cardio is a proven formula to burn off that unwanted fat and it will give you extra energy throughout the day. When you exercise your body release endorphins that will stimulate your body and give you added energy for the day. This morning exercise also helps to speed up your metabolism for the rest of the day which is key in weight loss. The reason you want to do this fasted is because your body won’t have carbs or protein to power it through the workout so it will go to its next source of energy which is fat, the more fat it uses the smaller your fat stores become.
Key Number 3 is to get 5-6 small meals in a day. This should consist of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and bed time snack. You should be eating every 2 ½ to 3 hours, this will help speed up your metabolism and provide you with energy for the day because every time you eat a well balanced small meal with carbs, fats, and protein in it then your body uses it for energy throughout the day the more readily it has this energy the more energy you will have. That’s why when you eat a really big meal you usually feel tired and lethargic that’s because you spiked your insulin and when you do that you get a nasty crash and you body tends to store fat more readily when your insulin is spiked. Also eating 2-3 bigger meals as opposed to 5-6 smaller meals puts your body in starvation mode. If your meals are sporadic and big your body is confused as to when it will eat again so every meal it will store more and more calories as fat so you can survive as a human being. That’s why we have survived for so many years because or body is great at storing fat, so why help it out.
Key Number 4 is to do something active and do it everyday. This is pretty simple but it is often over looked. You have to at least do something everyday, now the intensity at which you do it at will dictate how long it takes, but at least do something. If you decide to run stadium stairs you may only need to do that for 20-30 minutes, but if you decide to go for a walk/jog you may need to do that for 60minutes. I recommend for fat loss purposes is to do a boot camp Monday, Wednesday, Friday and group training Tuesday and Thursday. On the weekends since your time will be freed up a little with no work you can go for the longer walks or bike rides but be sure you do something on both Saturday and Sunday. It seems the weekends are the hardest days to exercise but seem to be the best days to pig out; you have to reverse the rolls in order to achieve your weight loss.
I hope you take these 4 Keys to Weight Loss into consideration the next time you decide to change your lifestyle up. They will deliver you the results you want so you’ll finally be able to change your lifestyle instead of going on a exercise fad for a month with no results.
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