Saturday, December 31, 2011

New You in 2012!!!!

Congrats guys on surviving the year of 2011. It was a crazy year with a lot of changes all for the best. I can’t believe how fast this year went and now sitting back reflecting on it I’ve come a long way and so have so many of you. It is truly amazing to see some of the changes you guys have made throughout the year. We also had so many people celebrating their 1 year Anniversary at the gym which is just mind blowing to me. When I started this gym in my garage a little over 2 years ago I never imagined it would grow to what it is now. I am so thankful for all the people the gym has brought into my life, 2011 was a life changing year for me, so I wanted to help you guys make 2012 a life changing one for you. I was not going to run a New Year’s Promo but I want to get you guys started on the right foot, plus Nicole said I should so thank her when you see her.

As you know we are running our Annual Referral Contest, were the winner will get a free year of training. So to help you recruit your friends we are giving you guys this deal. Here it is Unlimited boot camps for the month of Jan. for only $50 but you have to bring a friend with you that will sign up for the same price. So the only way to get the promo is if you and your friend sign up for unlimited boot camps for ½ off. Not only is it a great deal but it will give you a person for the referral contest!!! So get to recruiting and let’s start 2012 off right with some boot camps on Monday, we have 3 going on, 5:30am , 5:30pm, and 6:30pm.

I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in the New Year and I can’t wait to help all you guys out to reach all your fitness and life goals!!!!


  1. My friend was asking to go w me last night so this is perfect! Happy New Year! Also very excited about what this year will bring. Thanks Nicole!!!

  2. Thanks Nicole!!! I'm excited about the new year, and what you have in store for all of us!! I will be trying to get people from my office to come!! It is sooo worth it! Thank you for all you do Tony, and what you do for all of us.
