There are hundreds of ways to tweak an exercise to hit different muscles and to recruit more motor units. Here at Samson we like to add a little more range of motion to our exercises. You can do this with a lot of your exercises. We like to elevate the lead foot when doing reverse lunges or bulgarian split squats. We do stiff leg deadlifts off of a 12" box and deficit deadlifts off of a 2", 4", or 6" mats. This added range of motion may make the exercise a little harder but that allows you to recruit more motor units, which is what you want when it comes to lifting. Here is a video of some deficit deadlifts. The reason for these is to hit the hamstrings and glutes a little harder. This added range of motion will let you work on your weaknesses, such as lagging hamstrings and glutes. Enjoy the video and leave some comments below.
element of deadlifting i just strarted to work with thanks tony great blog info really helps me.