Helping others get want they want then you will definitely get what you are looking. Never go into a situation looking at what you can get out of it, but rather see how you can help them out. This will go a long way with growing your fitness business. You are in the business to help others not yourself. Once I figured this out my fitness business grew out of this world and I wasn’t even trying to get anything out of it I was just trying to help them out. People never get a feeling of being truly appreciated so when you give it to them, I mean you actually give it to them then they will follow you until the day you die and they will go out of their way to make sure you succeed and everybody knows about you. Make sure you enter every relationship with a want to help not a want of need.
Find someone who has done what you want to do and who has done it with a ton of success. The day my business took the next step and I was making six figures a year is when I hired a business coach. This guy has helped propel me to the top of the fitness industry in my area. The only thing that he did that got me going was the fact that he held me accountable for my actions. If you can hold yourself accountable and take massive action on what you learned then you will succeed. A book that helped me change my life is a New York Times Best Seller, but yet why are there so many people in debt and so many businesses that don’t succeed. We all read the same books and we all comprehended it the same, but I took action and they just read the book and put it up in their book shelf without ever doing what they read. It drives me crazy to hear I’ve read that book and it sucked, I just nod my head and listen because no matter what I say it will go in one ear and out the other.
Do what you love to do and you will never have to work a day in your life again. Have you ever heard this before, I have and I love what I do but I work my butt off every day, so don’t think for a second that you don’t have to work because you do and the harder you work the more you will succeed. Your goal should always be to out work your competition, while they are sleeping you’re working, while they are taking a 2 hour lunch break you are working and once you put in the hard work that is necessary to succeed then you can start to relax a little but remember the second you relax someone is going to be out working you.
Ironically, I read a devotional this morning about God gives you the talent and ability to do what you love. Thats how he makes us to be such great instruments of his. Funny how things can make full circle. Congratulations on all your success!