Tuesday, June 26, 2012

9 Weeks Out Bodybuilding Show Prep Update

“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says, ‘I’m Possible.”

-Audrey Hepburn

Bodybuilding is such a demanding sport that requires more mental toughness then one might think. As I am embarking on my first bodybuilding show on Aug. 25th I am finding this out very quickly, but I love it and I embrace for the simple fact that it is an extremely hard challenge and what is life without challenges. Every day is a mini battle that turns into weeks and then months and the next thing you know you’re on stage and all the hard work and effort is worth it. There is a certain attitude you have to have in order to be successful at a sport as grueling as this, it’s hard to sum it up but I read this Q&A section in a recent bodybuilding magazine that did the job quite nicely. Here it is it is from Kai Greene one of the best Pro Bodybuilders in the world and is shooting for his first Olympia win and become the best in the world.

Q. It seems as if you’re really maximizing your body’s potential. Where do you go from here? Are there limitations to what you can achieve as a bodybuilder?

A. Where do I go? Well, bodybuilding is a journey without an ending. It’s all about the journey. So I will go where my body takes me. It’s all about growth and improvements. I think I have a lot more growing and improving to do. I want to be Mr. Olympia, and I can see the physique that I need to attain to achieve that dream. It’s a matter of visualizing what you want, and then letting your body achieve what it’s capable of achieving.

Limitations are only what I believe them to be. If I believe I can never fly, and I tell myself that every day, well, then I am never going to fly. But if I tell myself I can fly, and I believe there is a way to do it, and I commit myself to exploring ways of creating that possibility, it won’t be a surprise at some point if I learn how to fly. That’s how it was for the Wright Brothers. The impossible is only impossible until someone comes along and does it.

The mind is so powerful, but that power can be positive or negative. It can allow you to visualize your dreams, and then you take the steps to make those dreams come true. Or it can crush your dreams and prevent you from achieving all that you can. You have to be aware of the power of dreams and harness that to achieve what you want to achieve. I am as curious as you are to see what I can manifest with my physique’s development, and I know I’m not going to put limitations on that.   I’m going to do all I can to maximize my potential, and you should, too-whether it’s in bodybuilding or whatever you do.

I have nine weeks before my first show and its reading things like this that keep me going on a day to day basis. Here is a pic of me 9 weeks out:

I hope all you guys find challenges in life every day and instead of hiding from it you attack it head on and at full speed!!!!

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