Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mike Witmer Memorial Powerlifting Meet Write Up: By Kenny Morris

2010 R.A.W Untied Mike Witmer Memorial Recap by Ken Morris

I drove up to Tampa Saturday morning to make it to early weigh-ins at 5pm. I hadn’t eaten a thing all day, I was starving and dehydrated. My scale told me I weighed 274 so I didn’t want to take a risk. I sat around until 5 o’clock rolled around and immediately jumped on the competition scale. 270.4 pounds, I easily made weight and immediately started hydrating with a mix of half Gatorade and half water. I gave the score table my openers of 520 Squat, 400 Bench Press, and 620 Deadlift. I ate and relaxed for the rest of the day and just tried to prepare my mind for the upcoming day. As I lay in bed I couldn’t shake my nerves. I always get nervous before a meet but this meet made me especially nervous due to the fact that it was being filmed by Fox Sports for a new show called Xtreme Power TV. They are filming a 13-week series on powerlifting and it all began with this meet. The pressure was on me to perform well because I was told I would be a featured lifter. So, I ended up falling asleep around 12:30 am and I woke up at 6:30. I ate oatmeal and drank Gatorade with creatine, glutamine, and some BCAA’s to support me throughout the day. I left for the meet around 7:45am.

Once I arrived at Jackson Springs Recreation Center I took a look around at the way the lifting platform was setup like a stage, surrounded by cameras and bright lights. All 275 and 198 pound lifters were called into the warm up room for the rules briefing. It was at this point when the nerves started to turn to excitement, it was time and I was ready to go to work. The flight (group of lifters) was only about 8 guys including me and everyone was going to be lifting some big time weights. My flight consisted of probably the best 275er in the world Mike Tuchscherer, two of the best 198ers in the world Ryan Celli and Dennis Cieri, and the rest of us were ranked nationally in either 198 or the 275 weight class.

I mixed up a cup of USPlabs Jack3d, chugged it, and started warming up for the squat. The weights felt good as I finished warming up to 455. I was called to the platform for my opener of 520. I sank it deep and drove it up fast for 3 white lights, good lift. My next attempt was 550, and once again I drove it up fast and got 2 white lights, good lift. After this lift the Fox Sports guys pulled me aside to do my first ever TV interview, I was excited to say the least, so excited that when they asked me how my last lift felt I answered to the tune of, “It felt heavy, but I can do more”. Instant classic. Next time I work on my interview skills before the meet. Anyways, after the interview I called for 580 pounds for my 3rd and final attempt, this would be a meet personal best. I got under the bar and unracked it and it felt lighter than ever. I sank the squat a little to deep and fell forward too much and couldn’t recover from it. No lift.

I was disappointed I didn’t get that last squat but I knew I could make up for it in the deadlift. Next came the bench press. I nailed my opener of 400 and called for 415 on my next attempt. I took the bar out of the rack and it felt light, but when I brought it to my chest and began to press it up my hamstring locked up hard. This causes a slight downward motion of the bar and even though I recovered to make the lift, I got red lighted. No lift. To be safe I called for 415 again for my last attempt. I nailed it easily. After my 3rd attempt Fox Sports grabbed me again for another interview and flattered the heck out of me by calling me an up and coming superstar in the sport. Now I had to finish big.

620 on the bar for my first deadlift attempt, I grabbed it and ripped it off the floor fast. 3 white lights. I called for 640 on my second attempt and again nailed it for 3 white lights. On my last attempt I wanted to be conservative and go with something I was pretty sure I could handle so I called for 660. I pulled it like it was my first attempt and I was hyped about it. This was a 20 pound personal meet record. Fox Sports interviewed me again after my lift about the sport, so I got to talk about what a great sport powerlifting really is. After the 3rd deadlift I was lit up and I knew I had more in the tank so I asked for a 4th attempt of 680. I only had maybe 3 minutes of rest but I hyped myself up with some ammonia and a slap on the back and attacked the bar. I pulled the bar hard off the floor and got it to about an inch before lockout and it just stalled, I just missed it. No lift.

I ended with a 1625 pound total and a nice trophy to bring home. The Mike Witmer Memorial was my one year anniversary being a competitive powerlifer and in that year I’ve taken my total from 1435 to 1625. Best part of this meet was just being around great lifters and great people. Powerlifting has the best camaraderie out of any sport I have ever seen and I encourage any lifter at any level to get involved.

To check out pictures from the meet….

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why? The winner...

I just want to thank everyone for there entries and the support you show to the gym on a daily basis. It is all of you who make's my job great by coming in everyday and busting your butt. So without further delay, the winner of our Why? contest is Richard Hall. Here is what Richard wrote...
Why do I exercise? When I originally started to exercise it was to lose weight. I started off weighing 285lb and got down to 228lb, losing a total of 57lbs. With the right diet and lots of hard work, I was on step closer to my target weight of 205lb. It felt great to be able to look myself in the mirror everyday and see a new person, not only on the outside but also on the inside. Getting my old fat ass in shape was opening so may doors for me. I stared to do things I thought were never possible. I had more energy and confidence, I was full of life and what it had to offer. My motivation: My childhood. I grew up always being the chubby kid. Picked on because I wasn’t skinny or muscular like most of the kids around me. Unable to do things the other “skinny” kids were able to do. Those memories are what fired me up to work thru the doubts in my mind.
Today, well Tony, you already know most of the story. On August 31st 2009 I was in a single motorcycle accident where I almost twisted my left foot off. Five surgical procedures later the Doctors were able to save my foot, and with it, the news that I might not be able to run ever again. During my rehabilitation I slowly started to gain the weight back, a whooping 32lb. I tried going back to the gym and getting into a routine of exercise again. I had to dig deep and try to forget the words of my doctor that I my never run again.
Why I exercise today: To get back what I had lost, my energy, my confidence, my physical ability, and most importantly my mental strength.
What motivates me today: My motivation changes every day. The words “YOU MAY NEVER RUN AGAIN” motivated me thru every painful stride I took when I ran a mile and a half to qualify for the RRT Team. Then another day it well be a simple look in the mirror and not like what I see inside out. Or I could simply walk by a picture of me before the accident and it would put a fire in me. But there is one thing that get me fired up every day and that is the pain I feel every time I step on that left foot. Knowing that I’ll have to live with that pain for the rest of my life sets a fire in the pit of my stomach. As it anger or frustration? I don’t know but it fires me up.
Tony I don’t want to sound like I’m kissing your ass but I’m glad to have met you. You were put in front of me to wake me up and to push my soft ass to do something again. Seeing you bust your ass for something you believe in was something I needed to open my eyes and to me get back in the right mind set. You have become one of my biggest motivators to get back on my feet and fight my way back to being the best I can again, and for that I thank you. I’m looking forward to getting my ass handed to me and tossing my cookies on the black top. See ya at the gym Bub.

But there was so many good entries I could not just pick one, so I am also picking Christina Fiore. Here is her story...
Why do I exercise?
Because type 2 diabetes runs in my family, but I refuse to believe that it is genetic. I believe that it is a choice. I believe that what makes it run in families is generation after generation teaching their children too many bad habits and not enough good habits. Unfortunately I didn’t realize this until just recently. Now I am 30 years old and I feel like I am falling apart already. I joke that having a child broke me. But really 30 years of abusing my body is what broke me. I could have made the choice that generations before me made and stop being active because “I am getting too old to do those things now”. But instead I made the choice to fix myself.
Because I never want my son to have to fix himself. He came into this world so perfect. It is my responsibility to preserve that perfection, to teach him how to maintain it and to help him build a strong foundation to carry him into his adult life. It is hard to make the right choices when the wrong choices have been ingrained in you for so many years. I don’t want it to seem to my son that it is a choice that he has to make. I want fitness to be a basic physiological need for him, something that he doesn’t even need to think twice about. I need to pass on the tools that are required for him to achieve this. If I don’t have the right tools, I can’t pass them on to him.
Because I don’t want to rely on pills to “fix” my problems. Since giving birth I have had some anxiety issues. I was talking to a friend about this one day and learned that she used to have the same problem. She takes a pill every day to “fix” the problem. I know at least 3 people that take pills for depression. I hear way too often about kids with ADD or ADHD that need medication. The list goes on. I think that people these days rely too heavily on this kind of band-aid fix. I want to truly conquer my issue. I want the problem to go away. I don’t want to become dependent on a pill to cover it up. I really believe that regular physical activity combined with a proper diet is the answer to many of the ailments that plague so many people today.
Because for the first time in history the youngest generation of Americans have a shorter life expectancy than those that came before them. I do not want my son to be a part of that statistic. And I never want him to believe that he should be either.
Because I see too many people taking the lazy road today, I don’t want to be like that. It may seem like the easy thing to do to pick up some fast food on the way home from work and veg out in front of the TV with it. But in the long run I know that it will really make life more difficult. Since I have had my son I have taken much more notice to the quality of life of the people around me. I have listened to people complain because they are constantly sick and they don’t understand why, but then just chock it up to old age. Meanwhile they refuse to exercise, eat right or quit smoking. Every time I go to Wal-mart I see people that are so fat that they can’t carry their own weight around the store. They stop at the McDonald’s conveniently located inside the store then ride around on an electric scooter while they shop for more junk food. I don’t want to be like either of these people. I would rather be like the 60 year man that has taken care of his body, still exercises every day, maintains a healthy diet and looks more like 40 than 60. If someone asks him how old he is, he replies “You are only as old as you feel.” If asked how old he feels, “21”.
My grandfather died when I was 10. I have one memory of sitting on his foot and holding onto his leg while he dragged me around the house playing with me. I was probably less than 2 years old. The rest of my memories of my grandfather were of him in a wheelchair. He had both legs amputated due to complications from diabetes. It only dawned on me a couple of months ago why my grandfather had no legs. Nobody ever told me. I do not want to create that memory for my grandchildren.
What motivates me?
My son. Knowing that he counts on me for everything. He has never met his father. It is up to me to make sure that he gets to play sports and learn to ride a bike. I don’t ever want to be too tired to play with him. What keeps me going is knowing that I cannot fail because I cannot let him down.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Professional Football Combine Experience: Told By Justim Poma

The day was February 15th, 2010. It’s been almost a year since my last competitive football game. On the brink of 25 years old with a lot of ambition to play football at the next level, either semi-pro or pro football I decided to enter into the Elite Pro Football Combine. This combine is second to only the NFL combine as being one of the most prolific football combines and is said to be “pro football's insurance policy against missing a single talented player”.

I have had years of football training behind me and felt that with a little extra speed training I would be able to establish myself as one of the top athletes in the Atlanta combine which I was invited to attend on May 8th 2010. As it turned out, it didn’t seem to be as simple as I originally figured. A few weeks into my speed training a hamstring pull put a halt to my training which was followed by weeks of rehab. Three weeks later my training resumed only to feel the constant strain on healing hamstring. I decided it was a little early and I had to continue the strength training of my upper body, core and rehabilitation of my hamstring while trying to maintain my lower body strength.

I knew my time was running out as the combine date was fast approaching, I had to get conditioned for this combine so I decided to continue with agility drills and light speed training. Eight weeks after I originally began preparing for this combine I felt as if I hadn’t made any progress. I knew I had only a few weeks of training remaining prior to my combine. The agility drills and light speed training proved to pay off as my hamstring felt solid and willing to perform to my intentions. I finished my training cycle and although I did not feel I was at my peak performance, I knew that my athletic ability would be able to show for itself, so I decided to carry on with my trip to Atlanta, GA.

Friday May 7th 8:00am, I pulled out of Port Saint Lucie. With the solid 9 hour drive I had ahead of me, I decided to leave a day early to allow myself some time to adjust to the new environment. The entire ride up I was full of mixed emotions. Anxiety that maybe the injury I had would affect my performance against some of the top athletes around the region. That emotion was coupled with confidence that I had truly been training my whole life for an opportunity like this and I had to be ready, I was ready. Nervousness would have to be the one word that could some up the entire trip.

I arrived at my lodging location a little later than expected, approximately 9:30pm. The offensive position combine commenced at 5:00pm the following day. I figured it was time to get some sleep so I could wake up early and take a trip to the facility which the combine was being performed.

Saturday May 8th, 2010. Woke up feeling pretty good thinking “GAMETIME”. Nothing was going to stop me from performing at my best. Having a little knowledge about nutrition I knew it was important for me to continue my hydration as well as stock up on some carbohydrates and proteins, Denny’s sounded perfect! Ordered a steak and egg skillet and started to chow down, guzzled down about (4) glasses of water and took off to grab some Gatorade and began my short trip to the field. Arrived on the field around 2:30pm to see the defensive group still working. Seemed like it was 120º but later found out it was a beautiful 80º with a gust. Must’ve been my nerves playing tricks on me.

First things first, I had to sign in and get my t-shirt, ID number, height (5-10.7), weight (229), arm length and hand size. After that I began my combine experience as I would any other training session, strapped up my cleats and got a thorough static and dynamic stretch in. I couldn’t help but look at every other athlete wondering witch ones were running backs such as myself. There was definitely a good group of guys out there and some stiff competition. Soon after the Combine Coordinator rounded the offensive unit up and informed us that we would be warming up as a team and to get our cleats on. This information definitely helped me feel better about the quality of the stretching I would be getting. We began by jogging around the field, still I was wondering who the other RB’s were. Once we completed our lap around the field we split up into columns and rows to begin our static stretching. I took another look around. There must have been a good 150 offensive athletes. We did a multitude of stretches from jumping jacks to hamstring stretches to groin stretches. We then continued on to our dynamic stretching where were did all the stretching I had been used to since I was 10 years of age and first started playing ball. Now I felt at home and comfortable and confident. Our stretching came to its conclusion and the Coordinator split us up into groups by position. The information was coming so fast all I could think about was getting ready for my first test. RB’s would start off at the 20 yard shuttle. I was excited about this. I was confident this would be one of my better performances. As I watched a few of the RB’s perform I critiqued their techniques to myself and did some light shadowing of the drill. Finally, it was my turn and I was confident. Although I had not been exposed to too much drilling on a field turf surface, I still remained confident. I started off my drill exploding to the right first, planted my foot and with a little slippage, raced to my left, planted firmly and then exploded one last time to my right and finished strong. We then repeated the test in the other direction. Ending up with the fastest shuttle time of the group I was still slightly disappointed with my time, as I know I am capable of sub 4 second 20 yard shuttle times. As we waited around a few minutes to be released to our next station I gazed around the field watching all the athletes perform, wondering which ones would be the tops of there groups.

On to the next one! Bench press was our next event. This is probably the most known exercise to any football player other than squats. Once again, I watched as the other athletes performed their bench press. I was confident I would hit right within my average of 28-29 repetitions of 225 lbs. I did just that, 28 repetitions which I was still just a little upset about, as I figured my adrenaline may have been good for just a few more. This time I was second to one other stallion who threw up an astonishing 31 reps! Quickly after our bench press they rounded us all up to take our photographs. I was told pre- picture by a few of the guys I looked “beefy” so I already knew how that was going to turn out.

Our next event was the vertical jump which I have hit 34” consistently during training. Although I had previously pictured me hitting 36-38 if I had continued my speed and strength training prior to the combine. It seemed as if most of the guys were all in the 30” range until some monster jumped and nearly hit every tab on the vertex machine. As I approached the machine for my turn, I couldn’t help but notice how high the previous athlete had jumped topping just under 42 inches! Once again it was my turn. I got in my stance, squatted down and thrusted up a few times to get some rhythm and then with one last explosive effort pushed off the floor as hard as I could when I fired up. Again, I hit right at my average of 34 ½”. This vertical jump is nothing to be upset about, but with the knowledge that I had of my weeks of setbacks, I knew I could have blown that number away.

The last and most crucial station was the 40 yard sprint. This is the one event which I knew would be the toughest due to my very limited training. As practiced my starts and I watched some of the RB’s takeoff I didn’t notice anyone with any tremendous speed. As my turn approached, in my mind I knew almost everything I had completed prior to this event would mean nothing if I didn’t nail it. My number was called and it was my turn. I got in my stance as I have so many times and exploded out. It seemed I had nailed the start, but more critical was the next 30 yards which I sprinted as hard as I could. My run felt very smooth and clean so I was anxious for my next shot which went equally as smooth. As I finished my run and began to trot back to my group of RB’s I was flagged down by one of the gentleman holding the stop watch. He revealed himself as the owner of “Elite Football Combines” and asked me a few questions about myself. It seemed if he was interested in my football ability and then said to I looked like quite an athlete and he would “keep his eyes on me”. This raised my sprits going into our next and last event which were position drills. I knew if there was one thing I would excel at, it would be position drills. Theses are most natural to me than anything else and due to the explosive nature of the running back position, compliment my abilities.

This last station started with basic coordination drills and moved on quickly to running back routes and ball control. It seemed as if I excelled in the position drills, which is nothing less than what I expected. I felt I had finished the combine successfully with the hopes that somebody will give me the opportunity to showcase my talent even for the briefest moment.

My experience with my first combine was pretty much as expected. It seemed a little fast paced, but when you are aspiring to play professional football, that is nothing short of what they would expect either. In all, I was and remain excited about my experience and look forward to my next opportunity. Maybe it will come in the form of football, maybe in the form of a strongman weight lifting competitor. Whatever it is that I do, I will do with my best abilities and have a tremendous amount of fun doing it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Success Story

Trish started coming to Samson's a couple months ago and has made an amazing transformation. She has dedicated herself to a life of fitness and healthy living. She comes to the gym only three times a week and has managed to shed off the pounds. She has set many new goals recently and will be accomplishing all of them in this next 12 week training phase we are on. So stay tuned and see what other amazing things she is able to accomplish.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today I am offering up 6 months of free training. All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter and then email me and tell me why you exercise and what keeps you motivated. I will choose the best one and that person will recieve 6 months of free training. So what are you waiting for sign up NOW! It is absolutely FREE!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Interview with Dr. Jacobs

Q: Tell the readers a little bit about your background.

A: Like a lot of other folks I started off in this field as an athlete. I was what some would call a slow gainer. I never really got to big but I gained some size and power. I went off to college and started to accumulate some injuries. I tried to walk on and did not make it so I started to train some more and realized I loved it and stuck with that and walked on to the track and field team. I threw shot and discuss for a while and then discovered and fell in love with powerlifting. I graduated with an undergraduate degree in physical education. I ended up being conned into working at a local gym that really did not exist. I lived in the closet of the gym for three years, after the first year I owned the gym and turned it into a successful powerlifting and bobybuilding gym. After that I went back to school and finished my Master’s degree and got a job as a strength coach at a small university and took on the responsibilities of the whole athletic department. After that I decided to take a grad assistant spot at the University of Tennessee for one year and after that I became an assistant strength coach at the University of Miami were we one a few national championships and had an extremely successful team. I also worked in the private sector and spent twelve years working with the Miami Project to cure paralysis. Now I am a professor at Florida Atlantic University.

Q: Tell me a little bit about your time with Dave Pasanella?

A: Dave played two years at N. Arizona and then transferred to Georgia Tech and played two years at fullback and then became there strength and conditioning coach. I was an outside consultant for him and his program. We also had a business together called Superior Performance, which was one of the first Sports Performance facilities in the country. Unfortunately Dave passed away and it never took off. We set up a camera so we could analyze the athlete’s squats on a big projection screen while they performed them and were able to fix things a lot better that way. This was by far the best component to our success in the weight room.

Q: If you could design a weight room for high school athletes, what would it consist of?

A: With high school athletes number one is to not get involved with the fancy glitter. The best investments are sound bars and weights. Solid benches and a bunch of power racks. Power racks are the most efficient. In the 1980’s at UCLA I saw a modular system where they just had a rack and an adjustable bench with a power bar and a pulling bar with bumper plates and free weights. That’s how I would set it for high school athletes a place to do squats, bench, chins, dips, and pulls. Start with the basics and don’t get caught up with the machines.

Q: What is your philosophy on training football players in the high school setting, start with the weight room and the go into on the field speed and agility training?

A: Now we know that there is this joker called the force velocity curve and with the concept that when pushing the most weight we are usually moving the slowest and if it is lighter we move our fastest, but we will never be at our fastest speeds, so we’ll have a lower force production. In the concept of specificity we’ll infer that if we want to move fast we can only do that when we are moving light weight. The truth is that most developing athletes using slow crude strength training bet. 3-8 reps moving relatively at a slow pace will increase their force production at all velocities. For developing athlete’s you need to focus on three factors technique, technique, and technique. Stay with in your technique and push like hell. Patience, because if there was a better technique than what you did on your first rep, than you should of used it on your first rep. Second thing which I learned from Doug Furnas from when I was at the University of Tennessee is to not set unrealistic goals. If your program tells you to get five reps you get five reps. you never miss a rep. In powerlifting the goal is to go nine for nine, if you look at the very best they tend to be very consistent. So I would say the first step is to use slow and controlled movements and to keep your goals in a progressive nature but in a realistic frame so you get your reps. and third if you are going to do power work in the gym make them basic power movements. I don’t think Olympic lifting is a realistic activity for most coaches to share. Olymipc lifters do multiple sessions per week and there is a lot of technique involved. With high school athlete’s I prefer to use a power pull or a high pull as opposed to dive bombing under a bar. The idea is that we do strength, hypertrophy and some power work in the gym. We do not do speed work in the gym, we do that outside, we don’t as much overloading. We will not go any higher then 10% of bodyweight. You can do this with a weight vest or pull a sled. We want to turn our gains into speed and do more movement oriented tasks. I think that the best training for lateral movement is a game of pick up basketball. This will make them work harder and be more competitive when it comes to speed and agility training.

Q: How would you go about conditioning high school athletes? Start right off the bat or wait until the season is approaching?

A: It depends on who your athletes are. I would say no more than two weeks and those two weeks will be an active recovery workouts. The time for aerobic exercise is when you retire; if I saw a ball player running or walking they would be punished. I believe in the old school periodisation. In Jan. you are starting a strength/hypertrophy phase up until spring ball. Once spring ball comes around you will turn it into an in season maintenance phase. Once spring ball was over we would go into a strength phase until summer started. Over the summer we focused on power/speed/strength, but we did not do any running until the fourth of July. It only takes six weeks to learn the neural aspect of running for the big fellas. If it was a speed guy it would be a little different maybe go let him run track or maybe 10 weeks. This will prepare them to go all out at camp.
Q: Is there such thing as sport specific lifts in the weight room or is just hype?

A: The only sport specific movement for football is playing football. In training we want to manipulate the factors we think are important. Those factors are going to be related to joint movement and lines of resistance. It should be sport similar movements and velocities. It is impossible to train the shoulder at the velocity of throwing the football. You don’t want to just work the movements that are most predominant in the sport because you can 95% of the time you do but the other 5% we get in odd angles people get hurt, so we want a wide variety.

Q: Would you train each position diff.?

A: No, I remember several times to the dismay of Coach Johnson we had Vinny Testeverde coming out of the squat rack with 500lbs on his back. Everybody squats, kickers all the way to defensive lineman. There might be some slight changes but in general most of the movements are the same. No matter what the sport they all have to move straight ahead really fast, occasionally they have to stop and change directions and every one of them will get hit. The more heavy damage and pounding you cause your body through in training the more we develop the capacity to generate and recover. Any time you get DOMS you are developing the capacity to protect yourself. Now with that being said I would change things slightly with throwing athletes and cut out the overhead pressing, but everything else will generally be the same.

Q: As far as recovery what would you have your players do?

A: Number one factor of recovery is to get enough sleep. The 8 hour’s of sleep generalization is inadequate. The average person should get 9. When I competed and I was training heavy legs I would need to get at least 12 hours of sleep. Preparation before you train is vital; this includes prehab, mobility, and stretching. Getting out and doing other things performing daily activities. Sitting in a whirlpool and having cold water therapy.

Q: What was the biggest hurdle you had to overcome with your players?

A: Themselves, psychologically these guys would defeat themselves before we even started. We had to work on cognitively restructuring the brain and to do that we had to talk about the issues. You can have All Americans still hearing that voice from there Dad that said he was too clumsy or weak. Until we talk about that and bring it out it would limit them. We would start by setting goals in the gym; we would try and get more reps or lift a heavier load. Everybody had to write everything down. We found that was quite effective reinforcement. Number one it showed them somebody gave a damn because I wrote each workout out by hand. We did not have excel back then so I wrote all 315 athletes workout sheets. Then we would adjust on the fly and set goals for each phase on what we expected them to accomplish. After we did that in the weight room it was a lot easier for the position coaches to prepare the athletes. So be sure to set them realistic goals.

Client of the Month

This guy is only eighteen years old and has done some amazing things at the gym. He is headed to play college ball and will make an immediate impact on the team. He is always on time and is an extremely hard worker. No matter what is going on he is always ready to smash some weights. He recently had his wisdom teeth taken out and was back in the gym the next day. Here are a few videos of Ced lifting at Samson's.