Sunday, August 8, 2010

UPF Challenge II Team Write Up

First I just want to take the time to thank my team for being ready and giving it their all at this meet. I am extremely proud of all of them. Thanks to Raw United and Spero for putting on a great show. Thanks to Zee Hichri and the UPF gym for holding the meet at their gym. It was a great experience and out of the seven lifters on the team it was the first meet for six of them.

Everybody came up the night before to make weight. It was the first time most of us had to cut weight so it was a little nerve wrecking. Everybody made weight with ease, so we decided to go refuel after that and put a serious dent in the Outback Steakhouse.

The meet started at 10 and was broken into two flights. First up was the squat and everyone hit their openers with ease so we were all in the meet and feeling good. All of us hit our second attempts and our thirds as well. Have to take a moment to congratulate Justin Poma for Broking the record in squats for the 220lbs Ironman Division with a massive and easy 502lbs squat.

Next up was the bench press and with the nerves gone from the first squat attempt we were zeroed in on having a big bench. All the guys hit the bench and Kenny Morris set a new meet PR with a 430lbs bench press.

Last but not least was the deadlift. This is what makes or breaks a meet for most people. A big pull will set up for a big total and a successful meet. I am happy to say that all but one of us was able to get a full total in our first meet. We had one lifter pull his hamstring and not be able to complete the lift. Congrats goes to Mike Favele for hitting a huge PR for him with a 405lbs deadlift at a bodyweight of 165lbs. Just a couple of weeks ago he could not even budge 365lbs so great job Mike.

We won the team trophy and Justin Poma won best overall lifter for the Ironman Division. It was a great meet and a great experience but we are ready to get back in the gym and continue to get stronger and stronger. We have meets coming up and strongman shows as well, so its time to get back to work.

I will have everyone's totals up with in the week.

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