Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why Max Effort?

You will see a lot of coaches performing HIT training with their athletes, others will do functional training, me, I am a little more old school. I like to lift HEAVY things. The reason behind this to recruit all the motor neurons you have and to exhaust your CNS so that you body has no other choice than to adapt and get bigger. Max Effort training is the superior way to increase intra and intermuscular coordination. The stronger you are the higher your rat of force development will. This will increase your 40 yard dash, vertical jump, broad jump, and any other explosive movement you want to accomplish.

To perform a max effort movement one must work up to a weight that is 90% or higher than their training max and lift it 1 to 3 reps. Here is a video of some max effort benching that was performed at the gym today.

To fully reap the benefits of Max Effort training one must incorporate a dynamic effort day which we will discuss at another time.

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