Monday, December 13, 2010

More Success

Thank You Samson Strength and Conditioning for helping me reach my goals. I have never felt in better shape than I am now. This amazing transformation started 9 months ago. I weighed 218 lbs., wore a size 38, and was a few months away from turning 29 years old and thought to myself that I need to get into shape before I turned 30. My wife, Trish, had been going to your gym for a few months and I was watching her lose fat and build muscle. She kept telling me to go but I was always to busy or had some kind of excuse. I had been dieting and was losing some weight but once I combined training at your gym with dieting I really started to notice it. Everyone (myself included) always thinks that they can just go to their gym and work out and that will do the job. But I must say your program definitely has different exercises than I would normally do. Plus, you don’t even have to think about what you are going to do next. Your whole workout plan with your exercise, reps, set is all laid out for you, and you always have someone there pushing you even further. Not only was I losing fat, I was also building muscle. Now that I have met my goals I keep setting new ones. Currently I have lost 43 lbs and weigh 175 lbs. I wear a size 32 and feel more confident than I ever have. I can’t remember the last time I was this size (even in High school while playing football I wore a size 34). Once you’ve been going there for a few weeks and start seeing things change it really becomes addicting. Thank you Tony for helping me make this transformation, I cant ever imagine not being a part of the family at Samson S&C. I look forward to meeting my new goals, and who knows maybe even go beyond them.


Philipe Chibas