Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Strongman Series-Atlas Stones

I am going to start a mini series of why we incorporate Strongman Training into our athletes programs. I will break down the movement and explain the benefits that it has on athletes. The first strongman exercise we are going to break down is the Atlas Stone Load:
The Stone load is a great full body triple extension lift. It builds a strong back, which believe it or not is a huge limiting factor for a big bench, squat, and deadlift. It is also a great triple extension movement with little to no risk of injury and unlike the power clean it is easy to teach. The great thing about this lift is that it makes your athlete mentally tough, which carries over to the field.

World renowned strength coach Joe Defranco say's it best "The awkwardness of these events builds true ‘functional’ strength from head to toe. This enables the athlete to strengthen muscles that are nearly impossible to strengthen with traditional training.”

The initial pick of the stone load is an enormous mind game but all it comes down to is bear hugging the crap out of that thing and to rip it up to your lap. This is where you build an extremely strong back and grip. It would even be beneficial to just practice lapping it to build a strong back.

The next phase of the lift is the triple extension of the hips, knee, and ankle to get that sucker up and over the yoke bar or up on the box. The key to a successful extension is to remember to pull the stone back and the hips all the way through as if you were performing a kettle bell swing. This is were the triple extension come into play.

There are many varieties of this lift that you can perform. You can do a max effort load, loads for reps within a certain amount of time, or lift them in ascending order and heights. Another great thing about this lift is that there is no eccentric portion to it, so you will not get sore from it. It will build strength in your athletes that will translate to the football field and the weight room. It is what we like to call real world strength. Here is a quick video to prove my point.

1 comment:

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