Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Week of a Strongman

Here is the breakdown of my last day of training.
Saturday was my event day and the last heavy day before the contest.
100' Yoke Walks- worked up to 710lbs in 45secs
Stone over Yoke 52"- 280lbs 5x5
Front Squats- 3x10 185lbs
Swings- 3x12 75lbs
Prowler Pushes 6x 1min rest
I did the prowler just to lose some for the show. The yoke for the show is 625lbs for 80' I wanted to go a little heavier and farther than the show just so I know I can nail it. The stones are great for my upper back strength which is a weakness of mine. We have to load kegs at the show, which I have never done so I hope it goes well. I put in front squats to help develop my quads because my initial pull for my deadlift is lacking. Hope you enjoyed my prep week for the show. Now it is time to deload and focus on the task at hand.


  1. You should be fine with the keg loading. I find it much easier to get upper back extension when doing them as opposed to stones. Really the only major thing to look out for is if the kegs are old style (smooth no handles) or new style (handles). It will be much easier to lap new style kegs as you can get a firm grip on them. With the smooth ones, you'll need strong fingers to get right under the top lip of the keg on both sides and kind of high pull it into your lap and then switch to a stone lapping style. Hope this helps and good luck.

  2. Thanks Craig that will help out a lot. Are you doing the Viking Fest?
