Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Client of the Month: December 2010

Janelle "The Beast" Lopez from Tony Montgomery on Vimeo.

Janelle holds three records on our big board. She owns a 280lbs deadlift, 210lbs Squat and a 33" box jump.


  1. AHHH!!!! Way to go Janelle!!!! You are a beast!!! :) Love ya'!!!!! (Shannon)

  2. ok janelle i see you doing your thing thats wats up. You goin be on my level faster then i thought i gota rush to put some extra work in you know who this is im sure need help heres a hint my name starts with a J

  3. Great Job Janelle!!! I hope I am like you when I grow up.

  4. look at you lifting all that weight. Guess your preparing yourself to have the world in your hands lol! Thats pretty awesome Janelle!
    You know who I am...your number one fan!lol ;)
