Monday, August 22, 2011

Boot Camp Vs Human Body: The Battle for Ultimate Weight Loss

The great thing about our boot camps is that they are never the same workout twice we offer so much variety that your body can never adapt to the training stimulus. This is extremely important to help prevent over training and a lack of results.

You’ve heard people talking about how they are plateauing in their workout program or that they just can’t seem to lose that last 5lbs, well its because they keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, this is the definition of insanity and you will go insane if you keep it up. You have to constantly change your training stimuli in order to receive the results you are looking; the human body’s main job is to maintain homeostasis so it is fighting against you in every way possible so you don’t change. That’s why it is so hard to lose that last little bit of fat or to start a diet and stay with it. Your body is afraid of change, it has to be because that’s how we survived for so many years, because when we get cold our body turns the heat up so we can get back to our regular temperature or when its too hot our body sweat’s to cool us back off. This sucks but it is also great as well, as I tell my clients just diet hard and get down to your desired weight and than your body will try its hardest to never let your weight go back up because it is trying to maintain homeostasis.

That is only if you do it the right way and not the crash diet way. If you do a crash diet it will work at first because you are changing you entire routine up and putting a ridiculously low amount of calories in you. This is not only dangerous to your health but as soon as you quit your 3 week crash diet the weight seems to just creep right back and usually more because you’ve starved your body and it wants to store fat because it does not know when it will get to eat again.

You always want to shoot for a weight lose goal of 2-3lbs a week if you are 220lbs or less and if you’re bigger than that then 3-5lbs is fine. Basically you have to switch things up in order to see the results you want and to trick your body into allowing you to lose that weight. Try to never do the same thing twice and you will continue to see progress. That’s why boot camp training is so effective because you are constantly introducing new training stimuli and you’re body never gets a chance to adapt to it, so not only does the weight come off, but more importantly the fat comes off.

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